When still young, Gerald van Hulten became interested in construction thanks to his part-time job with a contractor. “It was cleaning and tidying, but I liked it enough to study construction engineering at the senior secondary technical school.” Gerald learned all facets of the trade at Van de Grift Bouwbedrijf in Soest. “I started out as a calculator, moved on to become a project manager and eventually was head of plan development. And the latter, the ‘developing’ part, that’s what I find most interesting. In the end, it’s all about integrity. Practise what you preach and keep your promises. No hidden agendas, but being open and honest with each other, that applies to both project partners and, for example, local residents in a participation process.”
Plan development, consultation with municipalities or a feasibility study. There’s a lot that needs to be taken into account before a project can actually start. In his capacity as project manager, Gerald manages these and related matters well.